911 Emergency Services
211 Essential Needs
811 Call Before You Dig
Driver License, Auto Tag, Registration
A Florida driver’s license is required within 20 days of becoming employed, enrolling children in school, registering to vote, filing for homestead exemption, or becoming a resident of Florida. Online: www.flhsmv.gov
Florida law requires you to purchase a Florida license plate within 10 days of becoming a legal resident, becoming employed, or placing your children in public school. Proof of insurance must be shown and auto ID/VIN number must be verified in person. This can be done at the tax collector’s office.
If you have just sold your primary residence. Please contact the Property appraiser regarding Homestead Portability. This is truly important as there is a time limitation for transferability and this could save you a lot of money!
Hernando County Homestead Exemption Application (Deadline March 1)
Hillsborough County Homestead Exemption Application (Deadline March 1)
Pasco County Homestead Exemption Application (Deadline March 1)
Pinellas County Homestead Exemption Application (Deadline March 1)
Property Fraud Alert Services
Hillsborough Fraud Alert Sign Up
Gas Companies
City of Tampa
Homestead Exemption Application (Deadline March 1)
Water Services (Start, Stop, Transfer)
Tampa Electric (Start, Stop, Transfer)
Hernando County
Hernando County Homestead Exemption Application (Deadline March 1)
Water Services (Start, Stop, Transfer)
Withlacoochee River Electric (Start, Stop, Transfer)
Hillsborough County
Homestead Exemption Application (Deadline March 1)
Water Services (Start, Stop, Transfer)
Tampa Electric (Start, Stop, Transfer)
Hillsborough County Property Appraiser
Important documents (marriage licenses, tax bills, or voter registration, etc.)
Discover Adventures (Recreation & Culture)
Social Services (Valuable Resources)
Stay Safe (Storms, Covid-19)
Pasco County
Pasco County Homestead Exemption Application (Deadline March 1)
Water Services (Start, Stop, Transfer)
Pinellas County
Pinellas County Homestead Exemption Application (Deadline March 1)
Water Services (Start, Stop, Transfer)
Duke Energy (Start, Stop, Transfer)
Pinellas County Property Appraiser
Internet Providers
Guiding You Home
Free Guides Covering Everything You Need to Know!

This guide will take you through the home buying process. A comprehensive 6 step guide to buying your dream home: Financing, Searching, Offers & Negotiations, Inspection Period, Financing Period, and Preparing to Close.

Esta es una guía integral de 6 pasos para comprar la casa de sus sueños que detalla: Financiamiento, Búsqueda, Ofertas y Negociaciones, Período de Inspección, Período de Financiamiento y Preparación para Cerrar.

Everything you need to know from how to maximize your profit to after closing details. Whether you are not sure if you’re ready to say goodbye to your home, or you’re ready to pass off those keys to someone else ASAP – this guide is for you!

Todo lo que necesita saber, desde cómo maximizar sus ganancias hasta detalles posteriores al cierre. Aun si no está seguro de si está listo para despedirse de su hogar o si está listo para pasarle esas llaves a otra persona lo antes posible: ¡esta guía es para usted!

Use this guide if you are thinking about adding “real estate investor” to your resume.

This guide will give you a look at the issues you will want to consider as you decide whether to purchase a newly built home or to undertake building with a contractor or within a new development.

Every time we move, we realize we have more things than we need at the new place. Instead of throwing away items, lets help others that might need our gently used items. Some donations to non-profit organizations are tax deductible (consult your CPA).
Oprah.com – www.oprah.com/home/Where-to- Donate-Clothes-Computers
Furniture Bridging Inc. – www.bridging.org
Arc – www.thearc.org
Dress for Success – www.DressforSuccess.org
Goodwill – www.goodwill.org
DAV – Disabled American Veterans – www.dav.org
National Furniture Bank Association – www.nationalfurniturebank.org
Metropolitan Ministries – https://www.metromin.org/get-involved/donate-goods/
The FreeCycle Network – www.freecycle.org
Lupus Foundation of America – www.lupuspickup.org www.donate.lupus.org
Big Brothers/Big Sister Foundations – www.donationtown.org
United Way – www.liveunited.org
FreeSharing – www.freesharing.org
Salvation Army – www.salvationarmyusa.org
Epilepsy Foundation – www.epilepsyfoundation.org
Habitat for Humanity – https://www.habitathillsborough.org/restore/donate/
Vietnam Veterans – www.clothingdonations.org www.schedulingapickup.com
Savers – www.savers.com
Also check your local Churches and Community Organizations in your area.